that whale
those whales
somehow be heard
either decades
or within seconds
52hz whales
there’s others out there.
that whale
those whales
somehow be heard
either decades
or within seconds
52hz whales
there’s others out there.
Mykonos from Grandchildren on Vimeo.
under the light. over the bar. near the far. clear the throat. fear the roar. undo the next. welcome the rest. tears down the throat. cheers drown for being grown. hears a yes. hears a no. here’s our most solitude moment of joy in a musical crowd.
oh dear oh my very little diddle doodle dear. two lights for the night. i’m too nice for one. yet the other’s too true to be right. hold tight. good night.
i wasn’t actually looking for words. neither new thoghts nor new visual memories. i wasn’t even looking. just letting everything flow around me.
i realized some things now. on my way back here. not while i was on the way from here. not while i wasn’t realizing that i was thinking of these. totally ignorant i was. still am. may_be.
for example.
i realized, i never realized how much i missed you. i didn’t even realize who you are though. and still have no idea on who you are… whoever you are and wherever you are defined as who you are. be shall you.
i realized again i loved all my friends. kısa süreli iyi arkadaşlıklar. hiçbir zaman iyi bir şair olmayacağıma veya hiçbir zaman iyi bir düşünür olmayacağıma. sadece doyumsuz ve iflah olmaz bir geyik ustası, bir fake genious, bir tek dil konuşamayan, bir sus bir konuş olacağıma.
nefis kelimesini ne kadar çok sevdiğime kanaat getirdim. kulağa nefis geliyor. thanks bouncybone.
pitos ne kadar da şahane bir yermiş, bunun da farkına varmadan edemedim. sağolasın üstad.
35lik ilk gün, ekin, çağlar, yol. kabak. ter. nefis. sıcak ama iyi. dur. dinle_n. otobüsten in len. 70lik ikinci gün. terranalius is written in the sand. top. köpek. dutch woman. english friend. sand. moon. trio.
i realized i make sense with words to not to make sense.
just the feeling of “in case i make sense”.
avi. roksan. roxanne? nefis çift. dalyan. rakı. kahkahalar. kediler. peder. keyfe keder. çadır. çamur. arılar ve sinekler. memnuniyet sanırım. sanrılarım memnun bu işten.
whose dream is the reality i am living in?
i guess it’s a lonesome asshole.
with respect
“It was to mix the world of deep sea with the world of space. Two worlds we think so different, but are very close in a lot of ways. (the atmosphere, the light, the gravity,…stars like bubbles in the sky…)”
” The red characters represent violence and the human madness.
So I found it natural to clothe them like the Ku Klux Klan
but in red, with a symbol of the sun, because in “I lived on the Moon” the child flees the sun to live his dreams at night, hidden far from the human hostility. Like a metaphoric symbol, it’s the fight of the Moon against the Sun.”